Poster Presentation Australia and New Zealand Society for Extracellular Vesicles Conference 2023

From Laboratory to Manufacturing; Methods and Challenges in Exosome Purification (#95)

Mitch Shambrook 1 , Smriti Murali Krishna 1 , Johannes Weber 1 , Ella Johnston 1 , Louise White 1 , Xenia Sango 1 , Craig Newton 1 , David Haylock 1 , Ian Nisbet 1
  1. VivaZome Therapeutics Ltd, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) have been shown to possess significant diagnostic and therapeutic potential, however the production of functional EVs at scales appropriate to clinical practice remains a difficult prospect. To address this the identification of research scale isolation technologies which are suitable for translation to large scale expansion is critical. Fortunately, with the increased interest in EV therapeutics there has been a rise in the number and variety of research scale technologies available. Many provide advantages as well as challenges in the efficient separation of functional EV populations amongst a complex heterogenous mixture of secreted cellular components. Importantly, it is essential that these technologies and procedures not only efficiently isolate EVs at a level which is cost and time effective, but that they maintain their functional capacity via their therapeutic cargo. Technologies including Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF), Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), and Ultrafiltration represent a few methods suitable for up-scale while also being widely established and utilised for research scale functional EV production. Here we outline a research scale isolation and concentration process utilising these techniques which provides EVs at concentrations appropriate for functional assessment. Further highlighted within this method are several Critical Control Points which are essential in informing the translation from research-scale to production-scale manufacturing. The knowledge gained from the development of a fully defined and controlled research scale procedure serves to guide the scale-up to manufacturing levels regarding equipment selection, standardising of Critical Control Points and development of strategies to meet pharmaceutical industries regulatory standards.